Saturday, January 23, 2016

Pope Francis

I just don’t know what to think of this latest pope. It sounds like I've been around long enough to have seen them all. Well, I have seen several popes during my lifetime. This one though says some strange things.

What he said before that having a relation with Jesus is dangerous. Sure he may have only meant it to provoke people into thinking about Jesus and God. But it's a strange way to put it that maybe does more harm than good. To me to ignore Jesus is denying God because Jesus said that my father and I are but one.

Whatever - maybe I'm wrong. But then I read this - more strange talk from the Pope;
A new video has just been released in which Pope Francis very clearly expresses his belief that all of the major religions are different paths to the same God.

He says that while people from various global faiths may be “seeking God or meeting God in different ways” that it is important to keep in mind that “we are all children of God”. This is the most recent example that shows that the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ. As he has done throughout his papacy, he continues to lay the groundwork for the coming one world religion, and yet hardly anyone seems upset by this.
 Make up your own mind.

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