Thursday, February 16, 2012


Do you have faith in what exist but that you can’t see? Or do you only believe in what you can see? If you only believe in what you can see, then that tells me that you don’t believe in the Lord God the Creator of all that exists.

I find that in this world today, there seems to be a lot of people that have lost faith in the Creator if they ever had any faith in Him at all. My question would be this: Is it because of all these scandals that are caused by these supposed-to-be men of the cloth? Is it because they seem to be more  interested in how much money you can donate to their cause? Or is it because the Bible is not interpreted as clearly as it should be ? Or is there too much variation from one preacher to another on the same verses of the Bible? Or is it the fact that there are too many variations of religion? If you have lost faith because of any of the reasons I just mentioned it's because your faith was not strong enough to bypass all of this crap.

Lately I’ve been hearing things about there should be no religion of any kind in schools - no crucifixes in some institutions - in short, nothing that would represent any kind of religion.

I was beginning to give up on the Bible but I still believe in the Creator.  One day I listened to a video that was sent to me by a friend of mine and it changed my mind because the speech that was given on this video was believable and the same people have free books on what they preached. So I sent away for one. When I received this book I started to read it and the way that everything was explained in it did not leave anything to the imagination. It was quite clear, quite straightforward.

I’m not sponsoring these people but I want to tell you where I obtained this book; it came from the Church of God. If your interested well give it a shot and you won’t be disappointed.

Rebuild your faith, because faith in yourselves is not enough and that will not help you in the after life.

If this is written to be taken for a preacher of some kind forget it I’m far from that. I which you all a great day and may God bless you.


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