Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My big question today would be this: Could the soul of a deceased human being invade the body of an animal? I have my reasons for asking this because of what I'd seen and heard a couples of years ago.  can’t forget it and it has been haunting me ever since. 

No, I don’t think I've lost my marbles. During my lifetime so far what I’ve seen and heard, so much of what this world has come to is crazy, that I might have lost at least 10% of my marbles. Considering how this world is going I’m liable to lose more before I leave it and if it comes to that then I’ll stop writing.  But so far, I think I'm still not crazy.

In this world today there are so many mysterious things that happen that one never knows. So in not knowing the only thing a person can do is to try and get an answer from someone else. If anyone could give me some kind of answer it would be appreciated.

So back to my question.

I know it’s a weird question to ask but since I’m haunted by it I have to try. Taking a chance that maybe someone has read about this kind of subject about the soul of a deceased human being invading a live animals body.

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